You Live As Long As You Are Remembered
Remembering our Scolaro, Giunta, Guinta, Guinte, Ganta, Petorella, Pedorella and Szczudlo ancestors.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Mom’s 100th Birthday Part 1

Julia Petorella was born on April 1, 1916 to Dominick (Domenico) Petorella and Pearl (Prudenza) Giunta Petorella. As you can see from the birth certificate below, her given name was recorded as

Lucy was Baptized as Julia on the day of her birth at the Church of Our Lady of Pompeii.

Julia was the 4th living child of Domenico and Pearl (the first Julia was born on November 4,1914 and died May 14, 1915). Magdeline (Millie) age 6 years; Vigenzo (James) age 5 years and Palma (Sylvia) age 3 years.